Here's a simple tsumego for those of you reading. White to live:
Yeah, I failed this one in the match, I'm sorry. The correct move did occur to me, but I misread the other options.
I did do better in my second game. While there's no doubt in my mind I could've played better, I never had that moment where I submit the move and then go "oh no". As a result, I don't have all that much to say about it. My opponent did a strange opening, and I tried to take three corners. He attached to my stone in the top right, and at this point I wasn't sure which hane to play (extending didn't make sense to me). I decided on this one, because then he couldn't cross cut me to start a fight:
Black thought otherwise and cut not once, but three times:
In my experience so far the beginner rankings don't seem to mean anything, as some players with the same rank as I will do mistakes I consider to be quite obvious, while others trounce me. At least he didn't resign prematurely. Black attacked my bottom right corner, then played this hane:
I immediately thought "that's not the correct move!", since I was expecting black to extend. What was less obvious to me was how to punish it, but I figured that G5, where I think black should have played, must be it even though it wasn't clear to me how that would play out. This is a flimsy justification for a move, I know, but it was my intuition. I noticed later that this could've led to a ladder looking thing when black tries to contain white, but with white still having two liberties, so that is bad for black.
Instead of breaking out though, I decided to play the atari at G10 while I had the chance. This let black contain my group, because he sort of ignored the atari, then I played a double atari with move #42 so I think it worked out in my favour. I didn't notice this cut until quite late in the game:
Had I played it sooner I would have been more potent.
Today I think I'm going to try playing a 19x19 game.
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