Yesterday I only had time for one game, which I ended up losing in an unexpected and annoying manner. The first mistake I did was failing to kill white's group here:
I played D1, when I should have played something like B1. It's not a terrible result for me, because white only got two points even though he played 8 stones in that corner. Move #21 was also stupid, because it accomplished nothing but giving my opponent sente. I was unsure about this exchange:
I remember seeing the middle shape (excluding #2) on sensei's library, but I can't recall who it's supposed to favour locally. Unsure how to handle white's growing influence in the middle / right, I ended up getting into a fight. White, too eager to atari however, made this blunder:
Later in the game I stupidly lost some stones too. For example with #107 I wanted to stop white from connecting, but I didn't and I even lost a stone. At least I saw that saving the one stone in atari would kill the stones at H13 and J13. Move #127 was a bigger mistake, because if I had atari'd on the opposite side I might have been able to kill white's huge group:
Move #167 could also have been a mistake, if I had played it at L18 instead then white couldn't make a tiger's mouth (kaketsugi), however he was already alive at that point. The real problem was this:
The marked stone is where I wanted to play, since I saw that N19 wouldn't work. However, I completely missed that I was in my last 30 seconds of byou-yomi, and I lost the game on time out. One mouse click and I would've won. Those are the rules though.
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