tisdag 7 mars 2017

Day 0 - 1 game, 25 kyu

I've been meaning to learn how to play Go for about a year now. After spending an increasing amount of time watching Go-videos on youtube I finally decided to take the plunge and play games on OGS. In this blog I will chronicle my progress, or lack thereof, with the game. Let's get to it!

My first night I only had time for one game, which predictably was a loss. From watching videos I figured the best opening was to play 3-3 (hoshi!). However, by move #6 when my opponent played the center point (tengen) the feeling that I was already behind struck me. After move #22 and the following sequence I felt even more in trouble. By putting my opponent in atari with move #25 I thought I had saved my top group, but I immediately realised that he could just capture it to get out of atari himself. After he missed this and I captured his group I felt in like I was in decent shape. When the atari at #36 went under my radar I was taken aback, as I deliberately did not capture that white group when I assumed it dead. At this point I felt the game was lost.

Lessons learned:
-always check if your stones are in atari after your opponent plays a move!
-tengen is very important in 9x9 games

links: Brady's Blunders a great Go-youtuber I've been watching even though most of what he talks about goes over my head. He seems very knowledgeable and his mild mannered attitude and soothing voice makes the videos a joy to watch.

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